The word ‘holistic’ derives from the Greek word ‘holos’, which means ‘whole’. The basic principle of holism is that there is no separation between the body and the mind. How you live your life, how you think and feel, what you experience on a physical level, it is all inextricably linked. When it comes to holistic massage (therapy), the body is used as an ‘entrance’ in order to reach the other levels (emotionally, mentally and spiritually). When one of these levels are blocked, it can lead to discomfort and tensions on other levels. The body can store feelings, thoughts and experiences, but it is also capable of letting go of those. During a holistic massage, we take these physical ailments as guidance to gain better insight into what is going on inside yourself. After all, your body never tells a lie. Your body sends out signals to bring something to your attention. The touch of a massage will help you get in touch with yourself on a deeper level, so it becomes easier for you to feel what is going on inside yourself.